Friday, December 2, 2011

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

We have had lots of fun welcoming the Holiday season! We have made ornaments and trimmed the tree! We have also addressed phonemic awareness with activities such as nursery rhymes and a letter of the week. This week our letter was T. We continue to address individual goals along with colors, shapes, letters and numbers. Monday, December 5, is my first day of maternity leave. I will return in mid February. In my absence, Mr. Fuller, a veteran teacher of students with special needs, will be the full time substitute. I will miss everyone, but feel confident that Mr. Fuller will continue to meet the needs of the students while making learning fun. Please contact him at (912) 876-0773 if you have any questions/concerns.

Check out the calendar that went home in bookbags on Friday! There are lots of exciting events coming up!

Friday, November 18, 2011

It is hard to believe that we are heading into our Thanksgiving Break. This year is really flying by so fast! We have had fun this week making turkey handprints and making our edible turkeys. We enjoyed celebrating Book Week as well. A picture is worth a thousand words so see below. Have a fabulous break! I look forward to seeing everyone again on November 28. Thank you to the parents who sent in wipes/tissue. They were very much needed and appreciated.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Remember to check out the new slideshow added to last week's post.

The holidays are right around the corner and we are gearing up for the festivities. We will make some fun turkey projects, as well as focus on our new letter N and our new nursery rhyme Jack Be Nimble. Next week we will also celebrate Book Week. Check out the November Calendar for the daily events. Friday will be book character day where both teachers and students will dress as a book character. Our class has chosen the popular Cat in the Hat as our book. Please remember to send in a plain red t-shirt for your child to wear by Wednesday, November 16. Your children will be transformed into Thing 1 and Thing 2 from the book. :) Additionally, we will continue to address many academic skills such as colors/shapes/letters/numbers.

Friday, November 4, 2011

More Fall Fun!

November is here already! We cannot believe how fast this school year is going! The old addage is true. Time flies when you're having fun! This week we have
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made paper bag pumpkins, fall wreaths and leaves, and edible acorns. Letter H was our letter of the week and Humpty Dumpty was our nursery rhyme. Please review these with your children. Next week we will participate in such activities as making turkey handprints and pumpkin pudding! Our letter of the week next week is W and our nursery rhyme is Where Is Thumpkin. Have a great weekend! :)

Friday, October 28, 2011

We have had a fun and busy week! Your children have experienced some fun Fall activities to include carving a pumpkin and making a fun Fall treat. We have also focused on the letter M throughout the week. Next week we will continue to learn about Fall in a fun way. We will make edible acorns (yummy!) and work on our fine motor skills as we create paper bag pumpkins. H is our letter for next week, and Humpty Dumpty is our Nursery Rhyme. Lots of important dates are coming up so be sure to read the calendar for November when you receive it in your child's bookbag!

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Hello to all. This week we had fun with Fall activities such as making leaf rubbings and tissue paper pumpkins. Next week we will continue to celebrate Fall and all things that make it so exciting. We will carve and explore the inside of a pumpkin. The students will have an opportunity to feel the inside and count seeds. We will have a Fall Celebration on Friday, October 28. Students will rotate among our three classes and participate in three very different but fun activities associated with the season. Our letter for next week is M, and our Nursery Rhyme is Muffin Man. Have a great weekend. (From the pictures, you can tell the edible Jack-O-Laterns we made today were a big hit! ) :)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Scotty the class Scarecrow

We have had fun with colors over the last few weeks and are now beginning to learn about Fall. Please continue to point out colors in the environment and encourage your child to repeat the color name after you. Throughout this week and next, we will participate in lots of fun Fall related activities such as sorting/counting using Fall candy and carving a pumpkin. We are practicing a Scarecrow song for the blog and can hopefully post it by the end of the season! :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fall is certainly in the air. The coolor weather has been so nice. We have enjoyed looking for signs of the new season. This week we learned about the color Green, the letter G, and learned the song Five Green and Speckled Frogs. We made frog puppets to go along with our nursery rhyme. If you would like to sing along with your child at home please visit http://http// . Next week we will learn the color Purple, and participate in such activities as painting with purple icecubes that have a frozen popscicle stick in them. Our Letter of the week is letter P and our nursery rhyme is Please Porridge Hot. Have a great four day weekend! Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Fall has finally arrived! We will be going on a leaf hunt and looking for signs of the new season next week. We will also learn about the color Green next week. Our letter for the week is G and our nursery rhyme is Five Green and Speckled Frogs. We had fun learning about the color Orange last week. Please point this color out to your child as you see it in your environment to reinforce what they have learned this week. Don't forget to check out our Pre-K Yard Sale tomorrow, October 1st from 8:00 -12:00 p.m. for some ridiculously great deals!!!!! Thanks for following! Mrs. Burrill

Friday, September 23, 2011

Hi to all!

This week was another busy week of learning and fun. The students enjoyed all the activities we did with the color yellow. Although it was rainy some this week, we had a sunny class thanks to our sunshines we made for the window. Please point the color out to your children as you see it in your environment. Also, D was the letter of the week. Check out our D song at The students really enjoyed making the D sound to the beat of the music. Next week (September 26-30) we will learn about letter F and the color orange. The Farmer in the Dell is our nursery rhyme for the week. Have a great weekend! Thanks for following!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wow! What a busy week we have had. We have participated in lots of activities to teach and reinforce the color blue and the letter B. The students love the letter B song found on Next week we will be learning about the color yellow and the letter D. Our Nursery Rhyme of the week is Diddle Diddle Dumpling.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Hello All,

Thanks to those who attended Open House! Children love showing off their school! This week has been filled with learning and fun. The nursery rhyme of the week for September 5-9 was Itsy Bitsy Spider. This week our nursery rhyme is Baa Baa Black Sheep and the letter of the week is B. The color of the week for last week was Red. This week our color is Blue! Please point out these colors to your children as you see them in your environment. On Tuesday of last week, we finished up "Our Five Senses" theme with a taste tasting. The class tasted both oranges and lemons. Oranges won by a landslide as the favored fruit! :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hi Everyone!

We have had fun learning about our five senses. We have made musical instruments and played with homemade scented play-doh. Next week we will be learning about our colors and recognizing/identifying different colors as we spot them in our environment. A couple of reminders:

Please send in your family photos for our Family Bulletin Board.

Impact Aid forms went home on Wednesday of this week. Please return ASAP!!!

Our newly scheduled Open House time is Wednesday, September 7 from 6:00 to 7:00. Please take advantage of this opportunity to visit your child's school.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Welcome to the blog!

Thank you for checking out our new classroom blog. Please check in with us regularly as I will be updating weekly. I am so excited about this fun and creative way to inform you of how and what your children are learning on a weekly basis. The first few weeks of school have gone by so fast. I have enjoyed getting to know each of my new students. We have enjoyed exploring our new environment, learning how to utilize classroom materials, familiarizing ourselves with the daily schedule and learning our classroom rules. Our thematic unit for the past couple of weeks has been ALL ABOUT ME. We have participated in some really fun activities such as creating a handprint family tree, writing the letters in our names with shaving cream, and making a "ME" puppet. We will continue the unit by learning about our five senses.